Gain In Pain

Gain In Pain

By Mihran Kalaydjian, CHA

Consultant, Strategist, and Writer


I fall a prey to great affliction,
Undergo sufferance with botheration.

Why should I undergo pain and fret?
Why should I twitching heartache get?

Why should I undergo this distress?
Why should I have this unhappiness?

I stumble to interpret and expound,
I am helpless to unravel and come around!

In God’s wonderful and glorious creation,
There is nothing whatever without reason!

‘Oh! God! Why have you thrown me over-board?
Oh! God! Why am I saddled with such a load? ‘

‘Oh! Ye man, when life is trying and troublesome,
Difficult, with misery, formidable and toilsome;

With worry, trials and tribulations,
You are made tough to get invigoration;

You gather spirit, strength and tenacity,
You become chaste, pure with sublimity;

Distress gives you the grit and determination,
To overcome the bitterness in the situation;

With sufferance you learn endurance,
You engender enthusiasm and tolerance;

With pain you restrain and gain wisdom,
You are seasoned, cohesive and solemn;

With affliction you beget verve and inspiration,
You become deeply profound with beatification! ‘