5 thoughts on “When Did She Go

  1. Thank you my dear friend Mino …I am humbled by your approval and reblog ….love and blessings to one of my most admired poet musicians ….megxxx

  2. Swetha M – Oman – Who am I? Frankly, I am still figuring out but while growing up was a ball like for every other kid with low self esteem, zilch confidence, numerous imaginary friends, I was full of curiosity and wonder. Belonging to a typical Indian family, what with our rich and diverse culture with an even richer bunch of cultural practices and beliefs, I could ask a million questions running in my head about the nature and purpose of our existence and I’d get as many colorful answers as the stars that dot the sky. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough (I am not unappeasable, I promise!). I just wanted more… more answers, more perception, more sense, more everything and it took some good time getting there. Having emancipated myself somewhat, I realised I had all these ideas and concepts within me now bursting to come out and therefore, here I am! Now, most of my blog content may seem quite unconventional but is hardly new. However, I urge you to keep an open mind and hope whatever I share serves as a potent food for thought! Thank You, sincerely! Oh yea, one more thing, sometimes the poet in me peeks too, so there's that if you want some :)
    Swetha M says:

    Beautiful colors here!

  3. jacquelineobyikocha – Houston, Texas – A wordsmith with a vivid imagination, an eager mind and a burning desire to carve out tales. As I journey with my muse to that land of all possibilities and self discovery, I hope my personal evolution will serve as a beacon of inspiration for anyone who chooses to stop by.
    jacquelineobyikocha says:


  4. Sherri Of Palm Springs – Hi All, Its about time that I said something about me and my family. I am a artist, designer, mom, grandmother, wife. I am originally from Chicago Suburbs . I sold my restaurant and lounge and my designer boutique above with a Iron rough staircase with red shag carpeting looking over a little creek, waterfall and dinning all the way up through the boutique Moved to Palm Springs.. Tell you what I just woke up and I am in my first stage of waking up... to be continued -Sherri
    Sherri Of Palm Springs says:

    Oh how beautiful. just love the antiquity look of it ..wonderful

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