Your tonic voice

Your tonic voice
Sweetly hides
The dirty little secrets
You keep inside

Those nasty bits
They would judge you for
These are the things

That vibrate my core
In between your walls
I deftly slip

Dabbling in secrets
Dribbling from your lips
Straight from thy soul
They shall be ripped


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heartless / Pas De heartless

I come to you only in the night while you sleep your not able to talk let alone breathe or even see me.

I can wait as I dance in circles around you in the dead of night.
I sing the ghostly child like chant to you to you as I charm you in my delight.

You will not be able to touch me because once you awaken, I’m not there, I must leave you the dream is done and now it’s dawn. The light is coming threw and it will soon make me melt very soon. I only love in the deep sleep in the night.

But I will come back again, again, and again forever in a dream too dance around you, too sing and too chant.

I will never leave I will always be in your dreams but you can not touch me because you will always be frozen in your heart so until your heart thaws you will not hear nor see me in your dreams.


Beautiful photo!!


When I’m with you,
eternity is a step away,
my love continues to grow,
with each passing day.

This treasure of love,
I cherish within my soul,
how much I love you…
you’ll never really know.

You bring a joy to my heart,
I’ve never felt before,
with each touch of your hand,
I love you more and more.

Whenever we say goodbye,
whenever we part,
know I hold you dearly,
deep inside my heart.

So these seven words,
I pray you hold true,
“Forever And Always,
I Will Love You.

Love Is…

Love is…

Love is feeling cold in the back of vans

Love is a fanclub with only two fans

Love is walking holding paintstained hands

Love is.

Love is fish and chips on winter nights

Love is blankets full of strange delights

Love is when you don’t put out the light

Love is

Love is the presents in Christmas shops

Love is when you’re feeling Top of the Pops

Love is what happens when the music stops

Love is

Love is white panties lying all forlorn

Love is pink nightdresses still slightly warm

Love is when you have to leave at dawn

Love is

Love is you and love is me

Love is prison and love is free

Love’s what’s there when you are away from me

Love is…